EXKAL interview on Focus PME on BFM TV France

The interview of our colleague Virginie Heckel (EXKAL Marketing, Communication and CSR Director) by Vincent Touraine on the “Focus PME” program on BFM TV, France’s main information channel, is now available. An excellent opportunity to deepen the values ​​and ambitions of Exkal, reaffirming our commitment to future generations.


At the Perifem Day on March 20th, 2024, which brings together the main players in the distribution sector, EXKAL has received the Innovation Award in the Energy – Refrigeration category for its solution to give a second life to refrigeration facilities, furniture and plants that use high GWP refrigerants. Based on the options offered by […]

100% renewable energy consumption

The energy consumed at EXKAL and the rest of the group’s companies is 100% renewable Specifically in EXKAL: What are Guarantees of Origin (GdOs)? The Guarantees of Origin (GdOs) refers to the electronic certificate issued by the CNMC and which certifies to the consumer the origin of the energy sold by the marketers. Thanks to […]

EXKAL participates in the V Program “Family Business in the Classrooms”.

“Family Business in the Classrooms” is an educational program launched in the 2019-2020 academic year by the Association for the Development of the Navarra Family Business (ADEFAN) and sponsored by CaixaBank and CaixaBank Dualiza that is aimed at 3rd and 6th grade students. 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, and also to vocational […]


The Ribera Talent fair offers more than eighty Jobs We participated in Ribera Talent fair, at CIP ETI Tudela, an event promoted by the Tudela City Council and with the participation of 24 companies and entities. Entrepreneurship and opportunities through the new generations are the engine of the future.