


EXKAL has obtained the Certificate CMVP (Certified Measurement & Verification Professional) which supports him as a specialist company in the Measurement and Verification (M & V) of energy efficiency services by the Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO), renowned international organization.


The QS mark is a seal of quality and safety of food, beverages and other products of Chinese certification. It is managed by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ).


EXKAL BELGIUM has obtained the safety system certificate.

100% renewable energy consumption

100% renewable energy consumption


EcoVadis offers a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment service. The EcoVadis rating focuses on a broad spectrum of non-financial management systems, including impacts in the following areas: Environment, Social & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Each company is evaluated on key issues according to its size, location, and industry sector. The stringent evidence-based assessments result in clear and precise scorecards. Depending on the evaluation results, a company can receive a medal (bronze, silver, gold).

Following its assessment, Exkal is proud to have received the bronze medal, demonstrating its strong commitment to CSR. We continue to work towards further improvement to achieve the silver level.